McMaster takes home nearly $6 million from recent competition

On behalf of Health Minister Allan Rock, the Honourable Sheila Copps, Minister of Canadian Heritage, announced Feb. 18 a contribution of $5 million dollars for health research initiatives to be conducted at McMaster University and the Hamilton Psychiatric Hospital, from the Government of Canada, through the Medical Research Council (MRC).
In making her announcement, Minister Copps congratulated Hamilton area researchers and acknowledged the federal government's ongoing investment in health.
“The contribution of Hamilton's researchers in increasing our health science knowledge is a resource we must cultivate and maintain,” she stated. “Through MRC and eventually, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Hamilton researchers will continue to provide Canada's health care system with a sound scientific foundation.”
Of the 16 operating grants awarded, 15 will be conducted by researchers at McMaster University and one at the Hamilton Psychiatric Hospital. Operating grants ranging from one to five years cover a wide range of research topics from basic molecular science to population health, studies of the brain and heart disease.
“The continued support of the MRC plays a very significant part in sustaining the health research programs at McMaster,” said Raelene Rathbone, associate professor of research, Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University. “MRC funding enables our investigators to continue to advance their work, build on their international reputations and contribute to the health of Canadians.”
In the 1999 federal budget, the Government of Canada announced a dramatic increase in funding for health research in Canada, in addition to the creation of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Once established later this year, the CIHR will coordinate all health research activities of the Government of Canada.
Following is a list of McMaster researchers who have received MRC funding from this competition.
ANAND, Sonia S.
Study of health assessment and risk evaluation -dietary questionnaire validation.
Operating amount: $70,200.
Term: 1.
Total: $70,200.
Interaction of the anti-apoptosis protein, BCI-2, with cellular membranes.
Operating amount:$155,907.
Term: 5.
ANVARI, Mehran
GERD LNF/medical management trial.
Amount for first year: $158,736.
BERTI, Paul J.
Toward designed antibiotics: Transition state determination of carboxyvinyl transferases.
Operating amount:$87,577.
Equipment: $68,312.
Term: 3.
Total: $331,043.
DANIEL, Edwin E.
Nitric oxide: Roles in GI function.
Operating amount:$78,593.
Term: 3.
Total: $235,779.
ELIT, Laurie
Randomized trail of immediate treatment vs. colposcopic followup for biopsy proven CIN 1.
Amount for first year: $200,000.
FOLEY, Stephan R.
A phase II study investigating multiple injections of autologous CD34+ derived dendritic cells.
Operating amount: $82,100.
Term: 2.
Total: $164,200.
GUYATT, Gordon H.
Randomized trial of reamed versus non-reamed nails in tibial fractures
Amount for first year: $90,988.
Role of intestinal cells of Cajal in the control of gastrointestinal motility.
Operating amount:$133,497.
Equipment: $46,742.
Term: 5.
Total: $714,227.
IGDOURA, Suleiman A.
The role of lysosomal sialidase in ganglioside catabolism.
Operating amount:$91,809.
Equipment: $47,720.
Term: 3.
JACOBS, Jacques R.
Genetic dissection of mammalian Neu signaling in drosophila.
Operating amount:$84,156.
Equipment: $14,532.
Term: 3.
Total: $267,000.
LI, Yingfu
Developing diversified deoxyribozymes that cleave RNA.
Operating amount: $75,068.
Term: 3.
Total: $225,204.
Hamilton Psychiatric Hospital.
Functional and structural hippocampal changes in major depression. Operating amount:$54,842.
Term: 3.
Total: $164,526.
MEADE, Maureen
A randomized trial of a lung-open ventilation strategy in acute lung injury.
Amount for first year: $369,898.
Equipment: 3,500.
Plasticity of sensory systems investigated by functional brain imaging in humans.
Operating amount:$105,896.
Equipment: $28,964.
Term: 3.
Total: $346,652.
Caring for caregivers: Health and well-being of caregivers of children with CP.
Operating amount:$165,348.
Equipment: $5,069.
Term: 2.
Total: $335,765.
SAKIC, Boris
On the pathogenic mechanisms of
autoimmunity-induced neurodegenerative and behavioural dysfunction. Operating amount:$49,068.
Term: 3.
Total: $147,204.
XING, Zhou
Role of Type 1 cytokines in host responses to pulmonary mycobacterial infection.
Operating amount:$78,213.
Equipment: $6,072.
Term: 3.
YUSUF, Salim
Inter-Heart: A global case control study to identify the risk factors for AMI.
Operating amount: $153,327.
Equipment: $16,060.
Total: $629,368.
GUYATT, Gordon H.
MRC Clinical Trials Program.
Randomized trial of reamed versus non-reamed nails in tibial fractures. Operating amount: $90,988.
Total: $90,988.