McMaster Remembers
On Wednesday, October 5, McMaster is hosting its first annual University Memorial Service, which pays tribute to McMaster faculty, staff, students, alumni and retirees who have died in the past year.
McMaster is hosting its first annual University Memorial Service, which pays tribute to members of the McMaster community who have died in the past year.
“This is a meaningful opportunity to acknowledge the loss of loved ones, honour their memories, and seek comfort among other members of the McMaster community,” says Andy Crowell, the director of McMaster’s Spiritual Care and Learning Centre, who is co-leading the service along with ecumenical chaplain Rev. Allison Barrett.
“I invite all members of the McMaster community to join us for this special service as we come together to commemorate and reflect on the lives of the family, friends and colleagues whose deaths impact us all.”
This non-denominational service, which takes place on Wednesday, October 5 at 2:00 p.m. in the Great Hall of Alumni Memorial Hall, will include the lighting of candles, multicultural readings and a performance by the Ensemble of McMaster Chorus.
All McMaster students, faculty, staff, alumni and retirees are welcome to attend.
The University Memorial Service is organized in partnership with the Spiritual Care and Learning Centre (Student Success Centre) and the Office of the President.