McMaster participates in World Record Walk


[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”More than 150 students, staff and faculty took part in the World Record Walk on Oct. 3. Photo by Susan Bubak. “]A total of 158 students, staff and faculty participated in the World Record Walk on Oct. 3 in an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the most people walking one kilometre at the same time.

The province-wide organization of the walk was led by Green
Communities Canada with support from the Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion.

The goal of the event was not only to break the current Australian record of 100,915 participants, but also to bring about a “Walkolution,” creating a culture of walking in Canada. Walkable communities are safer, healthier and environmentally friendly.

“Walking is a great exercise because it requires no special equipment, it can be done anywhere and it's the easiest way to get your heart rate up,” said health promotion & benefits advisor Linda Piccolo, who also serves on the walk's organizing committee.

Campus supporters include Healthy Workplace, McMaster Students Union, Campus Health Centre, Parking and Security Services and CAW Local 555.