McMaster offers support to Ukrainian community members

We know the situation in Ukraine and global events are upsetting for many members of our community. If you need to talk or are looking for support, please don’t hesitate to reach out for help.
Over the last week the world has watched with shock and disbelief as Russia invaded Ukraine, disrupting peace for that nation and threatening global unrest.
McMaster, and the larger Hamilton area, has thousands of community members with direct or indirect ties to Ukraine and the wider region.
“We recognize the distress and anxiety that they must be suffering at this time, especially our students” said McMaster president David Farrar. “As an institution we will continue to support this community and find ways to help during the troubling weeks ahead. This includes extending student housing to international students from impacted countries who may not be able to return home at the end of term.”
As a member of the international group Scholars at Risk, McMaster is also discussing how to best support students and faculty adversely impacted by this and other conflicts.
University supports are available for those struggling with the impact of current world events.
- McMaster Student Wellness Centre:
- International Student Services or contact ISS at
- Faculty and staff can find support through the Employee & Family Assistance Program
Farrar says, “These events remind us of the interconnected nature of our world. As an academic community, we should take time to reflect on these connections and how we can support our friends and academic collaborators to make a meaningful difference.”