McMaster offers mental health services for students


[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Debra Earl, registered nurse at the Campus Health Centre. Photo by Brad Coburn”]The Campus Health Centre (CHC) and Centre for Student Development (CSD) provide treatment and support for students with mental health concerns. In recent years, the need for this kind of care has greatly increased, and Student Affairs has responded by supporting the creation of the Mental Health Team.

For the past three years, CHC and CSD have partnered in a shared-care model of mental health services. This model has been anchored by a part-time psychiatrist, Dr. Catharine Munn, who provides consultations for the counsellors at CSD and the physicians at CHC.

Many students will receive care from a counsellor for ongoing talking therapy, a physician for medical testing and treatment, and the psychiatrist for one consultation or ongoing care. A part-time registered nurse was available to help coordinate this care, but now this role has been expanded to a full-time nursing position.

This position has been assumed by Debra Earl, registered nurse at Campus Health since 1994. Earl started her nursing career doing psychiatric nursing in Hamilton. At Campus Health, she has held various roles as staff clinic nurse, health promotion nurse for employee health and currently as manager of Health & Wellness, providing health promotion services to McMaster students.

“Health education is a large component of mental health,” says Earl. “Living a healthy lifestyle, including adequate sleep, good nutrition and managing stress, is vital to building resilience against mental illness.”

Medical services provided by the CHC physicians for the distressed student include medical testing and blood work (to rule out physical causes of the emotional concern), options for treatment, prescriptions for medications and personal counseling.

Cognitive behavioural therapy is provided by Dr. Linda Tulving and naturopathic medicine is provided by Rita Patel, N.D. There are many other support services available through the CSD. Crisis management is provided for the student who arrives in distress. Personal counsellors and psychologists provide individual and group therapy. Psychological testing and assistance with academic skills are also available.

The Centre for Student Development also arranges academic accommodations, in collaboration with faculty, for students with disabilities, as deemed appropriate by medical documentation and the student's disability program coordinator.

“CSD and Campus Health Centre have always provided services to students with mental health concerns jointly. With a mental health nurse in place, students will have a more personalized administrative contact with the mental health services we provide,” says Desmond Pouyat, director of CSD and chair of McMaster's Committee to Support Students in Difficulty.

The need for mental health care for students is great, as demonstrated by both the volume and severity of student concerns. These issues include mental illness diagnoses, such as anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder and personality disorders. Stress-related concerns include academics, adjustment to change or loss, relationships with family and peers.

There are currently 395 students who are registered with CSD who have a diagnosed mental disability. This figure only includes those students who have sought help for academic or personal concerns. There is still a large portion of the student population who will not seek help, or seek help off campus.

Unfortunately, there is still a social stigma attached to mental illness. In the past year (2006-07), Campus Health had 3,550 medical visits where a mental health concern was the primary reason for the visit.

“We are excited that Student Affairs supports this initiative to provide better care for McMaster students who require assistance with mental health issues,” says Earl. “As partners in learning, the goal of the mental health team is to help our students be successful students.”

For more information about the services available to students with mental health concerns, please contact the Centre for Student Development at ext. 24711 or the Campus Health Centre at ext. 27700.

This article is the first in a series that will highlight collaborative projects in McMaster's Student Affairs units.