McMaster launches new digital student experience platform, MacHub

McMaster University has launched MacHub, a new online platform that will improve the student experience at McMaster.
MacHub is a personalized online platform that students can use to contact academic advisors, navigate quick links to key university websites and find answers to frequently asked questions about academic life, such as how to enroll in courses.
MacHub was developed after an extensive stakeholder engagement process identified the need for a Campus Relationship Management (CRM) tool at McMaster to support the student academic experience.
“McMaster University is committed to taking a student-centred approach to the support and programs we offer. As part of that effort, MacHub will help simplify finding the information and resources students need,” says Sean Van Koughnett, associate vice-president (students and learning) & dean of students.
Not only will MacHub improve the student experience, but it will also streamline administrative processes and information sharing across university departments, enhancing operational excellence.
“MacHub is one example of McMaster’s efforts to create transformative information technologies that deliver delightful experiences to our community,” says Gayleen Gray, assistant vice-president and chief technology officer.
“This new platform will create a more personalized, seamless and connected experience for McMaster students, as well as the dedicated employees who serve them.”
MacHub will continue to evolve and improve through a series of future releases, ensuring it remains responsive to the changing needs of McMaster’s vibrant student and staff community. Community members are encouraged to provide feedback, suggestions, and ideas to enhance the platform in future releases.
For more information, including an introductory video, visit the MacHub information page.