McMaster hosts primary care research forum on May 27

World-renowned primary care researcher Dave Davis, professor, family and community medicine, and health administration, University of Toronto, will explore the failure of clinical practice guidelines and the barriers to the implementation of research, in a keynote address to the Trillium Primary Care Research Forum tomorrow (Saturday, May 27.)
The forum will be held at the St. Joseph's Community Health Centre in Hamilton, 2757 King Street E., from 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
The Trillium Primary Care Research Forum is an annual event co-sponsored by the three southwestern Ontario family medicine programs: McMaster University, the University of Toronto and the University of Western Ontario. Each of the sponsoring family medicine programs enjoys an exciting and unique primary care research culture.
Trillium offers a forum for these groups to come together and share their perspectives and gain exposure to the latest in peer-reviewed primary care research through research paper presentations and poster sessions.
There will also be a panel debate on primary care reform in Ontario with Les Solomon, past-president, Family Medicine Hamilton-Wentworth Association; Fred Fraser, medical director, community program, McMaster University Medical Centre; Brian Hutchison, professor of family medicine, McMaster University; and Tom Freeman, chair, family medicine, University of Western Ontario.