McMaster open Mon. April 16

Sun. April 15 – 7:30 pm UPDATE
McMaster will reopen for normal operations Mon. April 16. Scheduled exams and activities will run as planned.
A reminder for students who had Sat. Apr. 14 exams postponed. Those exams will now be written Sun. Apr. 22 at the same time and in the same location as originally intended.
Students who had been granted accommodation for exams scheduled Sat. Apr. 14 will now write those exams after Sun. Apr. 22nd. Dates and information will be shared on MOSAIC shortly.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during the April ice storm.
Sun. April 15 – 9:30 am UPDATE
Due to inclement weather & ice on campus, McMaster remains closed Sun. April 15.
For students living on campus, food service is available in Commons & Mary Keyes beginning at 10:00 am.
The University expects to resume normal operations Monday. A further update will be shared tonight after 7:00 pm.
Thanks to our dedicated teams responsible for grounds, security and exam preparations for their work this weekend.
A reminder that exams postponed Sat. April 14 will now be written Sun. April 22 in the same location and at the same time as originally intended. All accommodated exams originating on April 14th will also be rescheduled to occur after April 22nd. Please stay tuned to Mosaic for new exam times.
Sat. April 14 – 7:30 pm UPDATE
McMaster remains closed due to inclement weather.
The University hopes to reopen Sun. April 15 at 1:00 pm. A final decision will be made Sun. morning around 10:00 am and will be shared via social media & Daily News. Commons and Mary Keyes food service will open at 10:00 am Sunday to serve students on campus and in residence.
A reminder, all exams scheduled for April 14 will now be written Sun. April 22 at the same time and in the same location as originally intended. All accommodated exams originating on April 14th will also be rescheduled to occur after April 22nd. Please stay tuned to Mosaic for new exam times.
Sat. April 14 – 5:30 am UPDATE
Due to inclement weather, the University is closed Saturday, April 14.
Exams scheduled to be written today will now be written on Sunday, April 22 at the same time and in the same location as originally intended. Campus events and activities scheduled for today are cancelled and University buildings will be closed.
More information about the University’s storm closure policy can be found here:
Updates will be posted on this website and on social media.