McMaster approves full week fall break
McMaster’s Senate has approved a full week fall break period, to begin in the 2015-2016 academic year.
The break will extend the Thanksgiving long weekend into a full week.
The University began trialling a shorter fall break in 2013.
“The full-week recess comes closest to fulfilling the original function of the two-day recess: providing students with meaningful reprieve during a strategic moment in the course of their studies to improve academic performance and mental health and well-being,” wrote Susan Searls Giroux, associate vice-president (faculty), in a report to Senate.
Under the new academic schedule, Welcome Week will start on the Thursday before the Labour Day weekend.
This would shift residence move-in to Thursday and Friday.
There will no longer be a break between classes and end of term exams.
Sessional dates can be found here.