LTRC seeks feedback to evaluate Learning Management Systems


The Learning Technologies Resource Centre (LTRC) has embarked on a campus-wide multi-stage evaluation of next-generation Learning Management Systems (LMS) to find a replacement for WebCT Campus Edition 4.1 as it reaches end-of-life status when the current licence agreement expires in 2008.

Our goal is to incorporate the academic, management and technical perspectives into the selection process. Given the varying teaching and learning contexts (class size, demographics, discipline, mode, learning styles and teaching methods) it is a challenge to find a product that best meets these diverse needs.

The inclusion of faculty, teaching support staff, students, administrative and technical staff in this process is critical to meet both the learning and the management/technical needs.

The LTRC distributed surveys to faculty and teaching support staff on March 27. Last week, the LTRC began the distribution of surveys targeted to students.

“This is truly a unique collaborative effort,” says Bart Strong, executive director of the LTRC. “Universities across Canada have been asking us for our process and permission to use our RFI document. They are generally in awe of the extent of our effort to collaborate with the teaching and learning community at McMaster.”

The results of the surveys and ensuing discussions with the community will be used to determine the basic academic, management and technical needs. The goal at this phase is to reduce the number of potential products to a manageable number for the next phase which includes the submission of a Request for Proposal and a hands-on assessment.

Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to participate in the process. In order to select the best product for the University, we need to understand the needs of our users.

Currently, more than 14,500 full-time undergraduate students have at least one course that uses WebCT. Other students that use the system include graduate students, MBA students, continuing and certificate students.

Faculty use WebCT in various ways to supplement or enhance face-to-face lectures, provide online active learning opportunities, increase student-instructor contact outside of class, and in some cases, provide completely online course environments.

More information on the LMS selection process can be found here.

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