Les Miller inducted into Hall of Fame

Jeff Giles, McMaster's director of Athletics and Recreation (left), presents Les Miller (middle) with his Hall of Fame plaque at the David Braley Athletic Centre March 27. Miller was joined by friends and family, including his wife (right), at the special ceremony.
Les Miller was inducted into McMaster’s sports Hall of Fame last week at a special induction ceremony held at the David Braley Athletic Centre.
Miller, who served as manager of operations and facilities from 1988 to 2007, was responsible for overseeing a number of national championships hosted at the University.
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His legacy includes playing an integral part in providing McMaster with the state-of-the-art athletics and recreation facilities that campus and community users enjoy today.
Miller was instrumental in the planning and construction of The Pulse fitness centre, Alumni Field, Ron Joyce Stadium and the David Braley Athletic Centre. He also led multiple renovation projects in the Ivor Wynne Centre, including the Burridge Gym bleachers, Rose Hill Dance Studio and the sport medicine clinic.
Miller was inducted as a Hall of Fame member in the builder category.