Kelley Keehn offers money managing tips at Connect to Careers

As part of Thursday's Connect to Careers Job Fair, keynote speaker Kelley Keehn will also be signing copies of her latest book, 'A Canadian's Guide to Money-Smart Living.'
Students and alumni will learn the 10 keys to solid financial management from Kelley Keehn, keynote speaker at the upcoming Connect to Careers Job Fair.
Keehn – a financial guru, author and regular on The Marilyn Denis Show – will talk about how to manage money and make it last longer, and how to prepare aspiring employees for the responsibilities that come with making a regular paycheque. She’ll also focus on the three principles of wealth, and explain how to build a financial house, keep it from burning down and the importance of maintaining it.
In addition to providing students and alumni with the basic fundamentals of money management, Keehn’s visit is also part of Mac Money Matters – a Student Affairs and McMaster Students Union initiative that aims to give students a one-stop resource for financial information.
“Helping students gain knowledge and skills to make good financial decisions is one of our main strategic initiatives,” said Gina Robinson, assistant dean of student affairs and director of the Student Success Centre. “We are working on a website that will provide students with important financial information, interactive tools and fun money games in one convenient place.”
Keehn’s keynote address will take place Jan. 23 from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. at the Careport Centre.
Her speech will be followed by a Q&A session and signing of her latest book, A Canadian’s Guide to Money-Smart Living.