In Pictures: Harvest Dinner fosters community for international students during Fall Reading Break

Harvest Dinner brings together international students and McMaster community members during Fall Break. (All photos by Christian Braun/McMaster University).
McMaster international students and community members gathered earlier this month to mark the Harvest Dinner, an annual event that extends hospitality to international students during the first extended break of the Fall term.
International students and their families connected with one another through various activities at The Buttery, including making friendship bracelets and a cultural sharing exchange.
To help create a welcoming experience, McMaster community members served as table hosts.
Andy Crowell, Marlice Simon and Sean Van Koughnett shared opening remarks:
“The Harvest Dinner is part of a tradition spanning over 30 years of the Ecumenical Chaplaincy Centre and the university providing hospitality to international students during the first break in the Fall. With the Student Success Centre, we are thankful for the opportunity to offer students a chance to pause and connect with a welcoming community,” said Marlice Simon, ecumenical chaplain and one of the 15+ Spiritual Care and Learning Centre (SCLC) leaders.
“We love that McMaster is a microcosm of the world. In the room, we have some of the most prominent languages spoken throughout the planet and languages that some of us may never have heard of before.
Each represents a vital and beautiful piece of culture and life, and we are here to celebrate it,” said Andy Crowell, director, Spiritual Care and Learning Centre at the Student Success Centre, Student Affairs.
“International students are valued members of our community. Hosting international students during the first long break of the term is an opportunity for us in Student Affairs to come together and foster belonging, offering a home away from home,” said Sean Van Koughnett, associate vice-president, students.

Gratitude was expressed through the sharing of a meal, heartfelt stories, and the excitement of door prizes generously donated by community members.
This event was delivered in partnership with the Spiritual Care and Learning Centre (Student Success Centre, Student Affairs) and the Ecumenical Chaplaincy Centre.