Ice Cream and Thank You Social brings out thousands of faculty and staff

Staff served nearly 2,800 frozen treats to faculty, staff and passing students to say thanks at the annual event on campus this week.
McMaster’s president and vice-presidents expressed their appreciation and gratitude for McMaster’s faculty and staff at an ice cream social on campus on July 31.

“I would like to thank all our outstanding faculty, staff and students who work so hard throughout the year,” says McMaster President David Farrar.
“McMaster is a truly special community, and your contributions are what make our campus such an incredible place to research, work and learn.”
The sun was shining throughout the two-hour event as McMaster Hospitality staff served nearly 2,800 cool treats in various locations throughout the green space in the centre of campus. Many students also stopped by for ice cream and joined in the games and activities.
Farrar and several other senior leaders — Provost Susan Tighe, Saher Fazilat, vice-president, Operations and Finance; and Paul O’Byrne, dean and vice-president of the Faculty of Health Sciences — mingled with faculty and staff and helped serve ice cream.

“McMaster is a world-class university because of the commitment to excellence and dedication to our students that our faculty and staff show every day,” said Susan Tighe, provost and vice-president (Academic).
“We have incredible people at McMaster and I am deeply thankful to be part of this team.”

“We have huge teams of people on campus doing so many different kinds of jobs, from taking care of the grounds to making sure our students have nutritious food to eat,” said Saher Fazilat, vice-president, Operations and Finance.
“It is the combined efforts of these teams that make our university run and be successful. Thank you so much, everyone.”
“This yearly event is always a joy,” said Paul O’Byrne, dean and vice-president, Faculty of Health Sciences.
“McMaster excels in health education, research and service because of our faculty and staff. We are all very grateful.”
At the end of the event, the provost and vice-president, Operations and Finance, conducted a prize draw for those who submitted their ballots in person. McMaster staff and faculty were also invited to participate in an online draw for various McMaster swag and other prizes. The winners are below.
In-Person Draw
- Jocelyn Gomez – Water Bottle and Bucket Hat
- Les Flores – Gift Basket with McMaster Swag
- Patty Law – Mac Tumbler and Chocolates
- Terry Chu – Mac Sweatshirt
- Anvvi Aggarwal – Wired Headphones
- Bridget Cowe – Couples Beach Package (McMaster Beach Bag, McMaster Towels, McMaster Flip Flops, McMaster Yeti Cups)
Online Draw
- Bharath Kirubanandam – Water Bottle and Bucket Hat
- Elena Ilic – Gift Basket with McMaster Swag
- Tamara Navarro-Ruan – Mac Tumbler and Chocolates
- Michael Ranieri – Beach Package (McMaster Beach Bag, McMaster Towel, McMaster Flip Flop, McMaster Yeti Cup)
- Denise Johnson – Made@Mac Entrepreneurship T-Shirt