Human resources unveils new learning program


[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Staff view catalogue of new programs”]Fine weather, good company, new programs and free food created the perfect atmosphere for the launch of a new staff learning and development series.

More than 600 staff turned out yesterday for a lunch-hour launch of Doorways, a series of learning programs for staff organized by Human Resources.

“We're very pleased with the turnout; frankly, it was more than we were expecting,” says Cathy Emick, acting human resources officer.

The large number meant extra trips to the kitchen for food services staff to fill the barbecues with enough hotdogs and hamburgers to feed a long line of staff gathered in front of Burke Science.

Emick says it appears most staff members ate their lunch, reviewed the catalogue of workshops and stayed around to ask questions of HR personnel and workshop presenters.

“People were asking great questions and they were extremely interested in the workshops being offered this year. It's a great kickoff for the program,” she says.

The catalogue describes courses offered in five specific areas (or corridors): people management, career and professional development, personal growth and development, human resources management and financial management. The workshops cover a wide variety of topics and are aimed at meeting the needs and interests of McMaster's diverse staff complement. Topics include: how to excel as a first-time manager, coaching and teambuilding skills for managers and supervisors, dealing effectively with unacceptable employee behaviour, time mastery, sparking innovation and creativity, how to live your life in an “extraordinary” way, humour in the workplace and pre-retirement planning.

“The courses offered here cover an assortment of needs that have been expressed by our staff and I encourage you to take advantage of this learning opportunity,” says University President Peter George in an introduction to the booklet.

The learning and development program was developed by HR staff in consultation with the McMaster Learning & Development Committee, which includes staff from all areas of the University.

Questions about the workshop offerings may be directed to Emick at ext. 24739.