Health sciences professors awarded research funding

Three researchers in the Faculty of Health Sciences have received one-year funding from the Medical Research Council of Canada's Canadian Institutes of Health Research Opportunities Program:
* Stephanie Atkinson, department of pediatrics,has been awarded $49,945 for her project “Canadian Neonatal and Pediatric Nutrition Network;
* Kenneth Rosenthal, department of pathology and molecular medicine, will receive $35,000 for “Strategies, Priorities and Partnerships to Promote Research on HIV/AIDS and Related Disorders in Canada”; and
* Peter Szatmari, department of psychiatry and behavioural neurosciences, will receive $45,000 for his project titled “Developing a Research Agenda on Early Intervention in Autism and Other Persuasive Developmental Disorders.”
The CIHR Opportunities Program is intended to encourage the health
research community to develop research agendas, collaborative networks and other novel initiatives so that it can compete effectively for the
funding opportunities which will become available through CIHR.
Sixty-nine applications were received for the Nov. 1, 1999 deadline; 22 were approved for funding.
For more information about these awards and the competition results, visit the MRC Web site by clicking below.