Feeling musical? Auditions for McMaster ensembles are coming up

The McMaster University Choir and Cantemus Ensemble performs in the L.R. Wilson concert hall in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Not able to gather in person, musicians got together online as much as they could – but time lags and inconsistent internet connections on video conferences made playing or singing with everyone at the same time impossible.
They definitely made the best of it: the concert band teamed up with musicians from local high schools to produce the Virtual Winds Project, more than 200 individual performances edited together to create a single video, while the McMaster University Choir and Cantemus Ensemble used a similar technique to produce videos of their own.
So everyone managed – but it wasn’t the same.
Now, things are changing.
With the easing of public health restrictions as more people are vaccinated against COVID-19, in-person rehearsals are being planned for this school year – with appropriate health measures in place, of course, like masks, bell covers for brass and woodwind instruments and strict physical distancing.
And in anticipation of a year of in-person music-making, ensembles are beginning to book auditions for interested students.
“Ensemble singing or playing is a communal activity, one that both supports our mental health and artistically energizes us,” says Tracy Wong, director of the McMaster choirs. “I am hopeful about making music and connecting in person again, in line with the safety protocols directed by the university. We have so much talent across campus, and I look forward to meeting everyone at the auditions!”
Interested in auditioning? Here’s what you need to know
Participation in all McMaster ensembles is open to students in all faculties, and can be used as an academic credit following a successful audition.
McMaster University Choir and Cantemus Ensemble
The McMaster University Choir and Cantemus Vocal Ensemble (formerly the women’s choir) include members of the McMaster community, with a strong focus on academic and artistic excellence, musical proficiency and personal growth.
- Slots for auditions via Zoom must be booked by August 9, 2021
- Returning singers will audition on August 11 (10 am-12 pm and 4 pm-7 pm) and August 12 (10 am-12 pm and 4 pm -7pm)
- New singers will audition on August 13 (10 am-12 pm and 4 pm-7 pm) and August 14 (10 am-12 pm and 1 pm-3 pm
- Singers must submit an audition video as well as do a live-via-Zoom audition
- Weekly rehearsals are held in TSH 118 (or virtually, as required):
- University Choir: Tuesdays from 5:30 pm-8:30 pm
- Cantemus Ensemble: Thursdays from 5:30 pm-8:30 pm
For audition information, including sign-up links and video information, go to the audition information sheet. If you have questions, please email director Tracy Wong at wongt40@mcmaster.ca.
Concert Band
The McMaster Concert Band, a leading ensemble within the School of the Arts and the Hamilton community for more than 45 years, includes more than 70 enthusiastic and talented wind, brass and percussion players from various disciplines and programs across campus
- Deadline to submit an audition video is Friday, September 3, 2021 by 5 pm (EDT)
- Videos will consist of excerpts from concert band repertoire
- Weekly rehearsals are held in the L.R. Wilson Concert Hall (or virtually, as required) on Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
For audition information, excerpts and links to submit audition videos, go to the audition information sheet. If you have questions, email director Joseph Resendes at resende@mcmaster.ca
Percussion Ensemble
The McMaster Percussion Ensemble brings together a dynamic group of students from across campus sharing an interest in percussion. Potential repertoire includes drum trios, transcriptions of well-known musical works, solo features and new repertoire.
Interested students should complete this online form by September 5 to express their interest. The director, Michael Schutz, will be in touch with next steps.
For more information on McMaster ensembles, go to the School of the Arts ensembles page.