Engineering students victorious at Ontario competition

Four McMaster teams have brought home prizes from the Ontario Engineering Competition (OEC), held at the University of Toronto on the weekend. The annual event is a part of National Engineering Week, celebrated March 4-12 this year.
OEC provides engineering students from Ontario universities with the opportunity to showcase their design and communication skills. It is sponsored by major corporations such as Bell Canada, Nortel Networks, Motorola, Ontario Power Generation, and Com Dev.
Eight teams of McMaster students took part in the competition. The winning teams from McMaster were:
* Team design category: Robin Ali, Mike Bijelich, Amar Karrer, and Ali Sahib. Awarded first place and the Com Dev Award ($1,500).
* Entrepreneurial design category: Ajay Arora and Mona Kohli.”The Car Audio Revolution”. Awarded third place ($1,500).
* Parliamentary debate category: Chris Parker and Chris Newton-Smith. Awarded first place and the Silver Tongue Award ($1,500).
* Parliamentary debate category: Marta Bailey and Jennifer Quirt. Awarded third place ($500).
The first-place teams will compete in the Canadian Engineering Competition at the University of Western Ontario on March 9-12.