Engineering gears up for National Engineering Week

Each year thousands of volunteers representing engineering societies, major corporations, universities and professional engineering associations organize activities for the public as part of National Engineering Week (NEW).
NEW is a week-long celebration designed to increase awareness of the importance of engineering and technology in our daily lives and to encourage young people to consider engineering as a career.
The ninth annual NEW takes place March 4 to March 12.
To kick off the week at McMaster, the McMaster Engineering Society hosts its third annual “Mac Lab Extravaganza” on March 4 at the Royal Botanical Gardens. Students, faculty, alumni and members of the business and engineering community are invited.
The evening event features a silent auction, dinner, dance, live entertainment, and a keynote address by John Wetmore, president and CEO of IBM Canada.
Proceeds from the event go the McMaster Laboratory Advancement Benefaction(MACLAB) Endowment Fund, a captial growth fund created by the society to support engineering labs. Interest from the fund is allocated to upgrade and replace outdated lab equipment and facilities.
On March 11, the University will host members of Big Brothers and Big Sisters for a day of engineering activities.
To conclude the celebrations, on March 13 engineering students will compete to design and develop a ball-retrieval device in JHE-264.
For more information, or to purchase tickets for the Extravaganza, contact Chris Geady at ext. 24906 or email