Continuing education offers management training series

Once seen as a perk doled out in flush times for top managers, management training is suddenly every organization's strategic weapon.
This week, McMaster University kicks off the MVP 2000 management training series which consists of one, two and three-day seminars on many topics including e-commerce, intellectual capital, time management, new product development, employee selection and retention, and implementing change.
“MVP,” short for “Managing with Vision and Proficiency,” grew out of recognition by faculty and administrators in the Michael G. DeGroote School of Business and the Centre for Continuing Education that a greater interface between the business school and the local business community was needed.
Bruce Hamilton, the business school's executive-in residence, was instrumental in getting MVP started four years ago. “It's an opportunity for business people in the surrounding community to take advantage of all that McMaster's School of Business has to offer,” Hamilton says.
McMaster faculty make up the core faculty, complemented by some of today's leading business consultants. A hands-on approach during sessions, stressing interactivity and experiential learning, provides participants with the tools needed to bring what they've learned in the classroom back to the workplace.
MVP alumni Michael Breward of Energizer Canada found his session particularly valuable. “It is difficult walking the tightrope between theoretical background and practical applicability…the instructor managed to deliver this perfectly.”
Dale Schenk, director of the Centre for Continuing Education, gets plenty of feedback on the rewards of the MVP experience. “All of our participants tell us they enjoy the informal training environment of our courses,” says Schenk. “Yet, they also appreciate the intense disciplined approach to learning McMaster is known for.”
McMaster staff and faculty are encouraged to participate in MVP training, and are eligible for a 50 per cent reduction in course fees. Credits for each module may be applied toward a McMaster Diploma in Management Studies which, upon completion, may count for up to 24 units toward a Bachelor of Commerce degree.
The MVP 2000 series runs from March until June, with customized in-house training available throughout the year. For more information, visit the MVP Web site or call ext. 24321.