Committee will review residence system decision-making process

Senate approved a motion on Feb. 9 to establish an ad hoc committee to review the process whereby decisions concerning the residence system are made. The committee will make recommendations to Senate as to how those decisions should be arrived at in the future.
The committee will be comprised of three faculty and one staff member, two of whom shall be Senate members, and one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Governors. Of the three, one will be a member of the academic administration. There will also be three students involved: one Senate member, one appointed by the Inter-Residence Council, and a student currently living in residence. The chair will be appointed by Senate from among the ad hoc committee members.
Appointment by the Senate Executive Committee of the ad hoc committee members is expected this week.
The motion was brought to Senate by Marc Marzotto, a fourth-year commerce student and MSU president-elect, and was seconded by Michael Stein, professor of political science.