Come join the celebration as Social Sciences turns 50

Join the Social Sciences faculty, staff and students for cake and a celebration of the faculty's 50th anniversary on Friday, or come to the Open House on Saturday for a day of free, family-friendly programming
Fifty years ago, at the start of the 1968-69 school year, McMaster divided up the Arts division and established the Faculty of Social Sciences.
To mark the milestone, please come share some birthday cake and learn what’s happening in the social sciences.
We hope faculty, staff, students and members of the community will enjoy reminiscing with alumni and others as we celebrate this milestone anniversary.
Join Dr. Jeremiah Hurley, dean of social sciences, for a few words and cake on Friday, Oct. 19 at 2:30 p.m. in the Atrium of L.R. Wilson Hall.
On Saturday, Oct. 20, members of the community are invited to the Anniversary Open House, a day of free, family-friendly activities from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Attend a Soc. Sci. Talk, discussing topics like social bonding through social media, “Trump on Trade: What do we know?” and “From brains to behaviour”.
As well, it’s a chance to learn about Indigenous beading, see what’s new in Soc. Sci’s 13 departments, meet Lily the therapy dog, discover the Socrates Project’s Biidaban virtual reality experience and much more!
Registration is free. Learn more or register here.