Business school launches on-site MBA program at Pratt & Whitney

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Gilles Ouimet and Vishwanath Baba”]Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) and the McMaster University School of Business have launched an on-site Master of Business Administration (MBA) program for P&WC employees. The “McMaster MBA @ P&WC Program” allows qualified employees to attend courses at P&WC's aerospace engine facility in Mississauga, Ontario to obtain an MBA degree from the business school.
“We are very pleased to be partnering with the Michael G. DeGroote School of Business to offer this innovative program,” said Gilles P. Ouimet, president and chief operating officer of P&WC, during a visit to McMaster. “This demonstrates our long-standing commitment to helping employees further their education through a variety of support programs. By offering MBA courses on-site, taught by qualified professors from McMaster, we are making it as convenient as possible for employees to obtain an MBA.”
Qualifying employees have their tuition and administration fees paid by P&WC and are given up to three hours of time off for study per week under the company's Scholar Program. As an added incentive under the program, United Technologies Corp. shares are awarded to students upon completion.
Eighteen P&WC employees are already enrolled in the program.
The P&WC students are enrolled in the business school's Management of Innovation and New Technology (MINT) stream, which focuses on how technologies can best be leveraged for business purposes. They are scheduled to complete their studies in March 2004. They had to meet the same admission criteria as students attending McMaster's on-campus MBA program.
“Our objective is to develop highly skilled innovators that business and industry need to compete successfully in a technology-driven, change intensive marketplace,” said John Medcof, director of the MINT program.
The MINT program curriculum consists of two levels of courses. Level I is comprised of 18 business introduction courses with 18 class hours each, as well as workshops and modules. Subjects include such business fundamentals as financial accounting, marketing, statistics and information systems. Level II is comprised of 10 advanced courses of 36 hours each covering such subjects as Strategic Management of Technology, New Products, Modern Manufacturing Strategy, Innovation and Business Process Re-engineering.
Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) is a world leader in aviation engines powering helicopters, corporate and regional aircraft. It also offers advanced engines for industrial applications. The company operates in many countries and manages an extensive worldwide service network.