Bruce Cockburn addresses graduates

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”More than 600 humanities students will receive their degrees today at convocations held in downtown Hamilton.”]The Great Hall at Hamilton Place will see degrees conferred upon 555 students from the Faculty of Humanities and 57 students from the Arts and & Science Program today in two convocation ceremonies.
The ceremonies, held at 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., will also feature four honorary degree recipients: Bruce Cockburn, Shirely Elford, Maurizio Seracini and Maximilien Laroche.
Prolific Canadian singer-songwriter Cockburn will speak at the morning event and will be accompanied by Canadian artist and glass blower Elford. The afternoon ceremony features an address from Seracini, world renowned diagnostician of Italian art, and Laroche, one of Haiti's foremost intellectuals. All four distinguished guests will receive Doctor of Letters degrees at today's convocations.
Student awards will also be handed out, including the President's Award of Excellence in Student Leadership.
“My advice to future students: make the most of your time while you're here,” said Jovan Djurdjevic, valedictorian. “Enjoy the outdoors, get involved with clubs, spend time with your friends and work as hard as you can; it always pays off in the end.”
Graduates from the Faculty of Humanities will gather for their reception in Wentworth Rooms B and C immediately following their ceremonies. The Arts & Science reception will take place between 2:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. at McMaster's University Hall, Convocation Hall.