Boreham selected for Hamilton Spectator Publisher’s Award


[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Doug Boreham, associate professor in Medical Physics & Applied Radiation, is the recipient of the Hamilton Spectator Publisher’s Award for Education. Photo by Ron Scheffler.”]Doug Boreham, associate professor in Medical Physics & Applied Radiation at McMaster, has received a Hamilton Spectator Publisher's Award for Education at the annual Industry Education Council breakfast. The award recognized academics who take the classroom to the community and share knowledge with the residents of Hamilton.

Boreham is renowned for his enthusiasm, spirit and dedication to promoting science whenever and wherever possible. Whether he's taking his students on a field trip to Hiroshima to learn first-hand about the effects of the atomic bomb on human health, mentoring high school teachers as a director of Yes I Can! Science, or sharing his knowledge with colleagues, journalists, politicians and the public at large, Boreham continues to stimulate his audiences and trigger their curiosity.

Boreham joined McMaster seven years ago, following a 10 year stint at the Chalk River Laboratories. He's a graduate of Laurentian University (honours biology) and the University of Ottawa where he completed his PhD in 1990.

In the short time he's been at McMaster, he's been recognized by the students, administration and his peers for his commitment to research, teaching and overall excellence, winning the McMaster Students Union Merit Award, the President's Award for Overall Excellence in Instruction and the Canadian Nuclear Society's Education & Communications Award.

From the classroom to the field, from grade schools to high schools, from teachers to colleagues, Boreham's passion for research is truly infectious. He is a gifted teacher, a great mentor and an inspiration to students of all ages.