Artist displays a true picture of nature in the Faculty Hollow

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Island #1″]If you were walking in the area of Hamilton Hall, the University Club or the Faculty Hollow at anytime during Monday morning or early afternoon, June 19, you might have noticed some seemingly strange goings on.
No sooner had the stage for the Summer Student Drama Festival come down, then a giant gilded frame went up.
Part of Hamilton artist Michael Allgoewer's two-part sculpture “Island #1” and “Island #2”, the piece, a literal framed view of nature, is part of a larger, regional outdoor art exhibition that will run through to Sept. 4 at 11 sites throughout the Hamilton-Burlington area.
Titled “Zone 6B: Art in the Environment,” the outdoor exhibition features both national and area artists and is the result of collaborative efforts and organization by the McMaster Museum of Art, the Art Gallery of Hamilton, the Burlington Art Centre and Hamilton Artists Inc. There are numerous sponsors and supporters of the project such as the Royal Botanical Gardens, the Regional Conservation Authority, McMaster University, and the City of Hamilton. Funding for the project has been provided by the Hamilton Community Foundation, The Trillium Foundation, the Canada Council for the Arts, and the Ontario Arts Council.
At McMaster the presentation of Allgoewer's sculpture has been made possible through the generous support of a donation by Fotiou Frames.
As gardening aficionados will know, Zone 6B refers to the planting or growing zone for much of the immediate geographical area. To support interaction with and understanding of outdoor sculpture, everyone is welcome to attend an artist panel discussion on Thursday, June 22 at 7:30 pm at the Museum, a tour/talk by Michael Allgoewer at the Faculty Hollow on Monday, June 26 at 12:30 p.m., and an artist talk and poetry reading by John Terpstra on Sunday, July 9 at 2 p.m. at Faculty Hollow.
Everyone is welcome to attend these events and admission is free!
For detailed information about Zone 6B, a brochure/map can be picked up at the Museum.
The McMaster Museum of Art is located on the campus of McMaster University at the corner of Sterling Street and University Avenue. Admission is “pay-what-you-can, if-you-can” with a suggested donation of $2. Students and seniors are admitted free.
Museum hours: Tuesday-Friday 11-6; Thursday evening 7-9; Sunday 12-5. Phone: 525-9140 ext. 23081. Fax: 527-4548. E-mail: For group tours, please call 525-9140 ext. 27576.