100-in-1Day McMaster Hub
On Saturday, June 2, 2018, Hamilton will join cities around Canada to be transformed by at least one hundred urban interventions, or community actions, designed to engage people and make Hamilton a better place to live. “100 in 1 Day Hamilton” will take place for the 4th year in a row, and join a growing list of cities around the globe in what has become a truly successful grassroots phenomenon of positive community change.
All 100in1Day interventions are intended to spark ideas and solutions to community challenges – essentially a giant citizen-led brainstorming session and series of actions to make our cities a better place. They transform the city and inspire participants and onlookers alike – fostering a strong sense of community and positive change.
To be considered a 100in1Day activity or intervention, each individual activity must be registered at www.100in1day.org with “Hamilton” listed as the city. The new platform links to every global 100in1Day city!
McMaster Hub
This year, McMaster has partnered with Evergreen to have McMaster’s main campus to serve as a “hub” for interventions on 100in1Day, creating a festival-like atmosphere as a way to open up campus to the community.
Interventions that have been registered so far include:
- On 100in1Day, visit the LIVELab for a backstage tour of the world’s ONLY combination music hall and science lab! Tours will feature a performance by special guests, the Hamilton Philharmonic Youth Orchestra’s own string quartet. Tours will be 45 minutes and will begin at 12 p.m., 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.. Email livelab@mcmaster.ca with any questions or concerns
- Location: McMaster University Psychology Building (2nd Floor)
- Bring your instruments, songs, poems, comedy acts to the ALTITUDE Compound. Location details: We are located in 10 Acre field just behind parking lot H. If you would like to participate simply fill out the sign-up sheet we will have at the event and our MC for the evening will call upon you when it is your turn. Hope to see you there!
- Location: Mitchell Crescent, behind parking lot H (5-8 p.m.) 10 acre field, behind football field
- *This event is being hosted by McMaster Altitude and has been cleared with Health and Safety
- Showcasing new large campus maps for community feedback hosted by the university way finding committee
- Updating new campus maps
- Location: BSB Field, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- AGE IS JUST A NUMBER! A Seniors of Canada Initiative.
- Hamilton’s goal is to be The best place to raise a child and age successfully. This is an excellent goal, but we have a long way to go! In Canada, many people hold negative age-related stereotypes about older people. These stereotypes can be harmful and lead to a lack of solidarity between generations. Our goal is to host an interactive, all-ages initiative for 100in1Day that encourages people to break down age-related stereotypes. Our station will have a number of games and interactive activities that will challenge ageist beliefs and embrace the fact that age is just a number! All ages are welcome (and encouraged) to attend!
- Location: MUSC Mills Plaza, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- The Ontario Engineering Competition is an annual student run competition for 16 engineering universities across Ontario. For 2019, the competition is hosted at Hamilton’s own, McMaster University. The organizers of the competition want to reach out to City of Hamilton’s residents in order to inspire and educate about the profession of engineering.
- Celebrating our partnership and the impact that volunteering has on the lives of our students and community members. Meet members of the Student Success Centre team and some of our students as we return thanks to the community organizations that have opened their doors, extended their kindness, and enabled our students to learn more about themselves, their career interests, and their community. Join us to discover how McMaster students and the Hamilton community are working together to make a brighter world
- Location: Student Success Centre is located in Gilmour Hall, Room 110
- 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
- #MacMakesADifference
- McMaster Libraries offers our students the option of paying their fines with food! Come learn how McMaster Libraries has donated thousands of non-perishable items to the McMaster community through our very unique partnership with the McMaster Student Union’s MACBread Bin
- Location: Outside the Mills Library entrance
- Our students love to read! McMaster University Libraries has partnered with Hamilton Public Library to provide our student population with access to free popular books! Come check out our widely successful Open Library
- Location: Outside the Mills Library entrance
- Ready to learn the tools to help you adapt in your evolving industry? The Health Leadership Academy will help you map your healthcare experience using Design Thinking tools and methodologies. Come out to learn about the Health Leadership Academy and the programs it offers – and the importance of integrating design thinking in your work
- Location: outside the entrance to LR Wilson Hall, or outside the entrance to the MDCL Atrium
- Join McMaster’s Engineers Without Borders on June 2nd for a book swap and learn how you can explore the campus community with an online scavenger hunt: look for and take pictures with the “#Hello2030” signs and upload them with the hashtag #Hello2030 and you could win a prize! Come outside the John Hodgins Engineering building to learn more about the event and EWB’s goal of bringing the community together to tackle poverty
- Location: booth outside of the JHE building
- 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
- Join Body Brave on June 2nd to celebrate diverse bodies and brainstorm ways to make Hamilton a safe and inclusive space for all bodies.
- Location: BSB Field
- Interested in weird and wonderful nature, improving your home air quality with house plants, or putting native plants into your garden? Come and talk plants with us! Availability permitting, you can take a plant home with you
- Location: Greenhouse (next to Hamilton Hall)
- 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
- Come out to McMaster University to learn about Fair Trade in Canada and at Universities. Right now McMaster has the opportunity to become a Fair Trade campus. So come out and give your opinion on if McMaster should join the list of Fair Trade Campuses. Participate in fun games and win some Fair Trade products. We will have coffee, tea, and chocolate up for grabs!
- Location: Student Centre (near Starbucks)
- 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- Come join us outside Mills/University Student Centre Square
- Location: MUSC near Starbucks
Parking will be limited on the day of the event. Attendees are encouraged to find other ways of getting to campus; public transportation, SoBi, walking. Thank you for your cooperation.