$10 million for McMaster health researchers

HAMILTON (August 15, 2000) On behalf of Health Minister Allan Rock,
Sheila Copps, Minister of Canadian Heritage, announced today a
Government of Canada investment of nearly $10 million to fund health
research at McMaster University, through the CIHR.
In making her announcement, Copps congratulated Hamilton area
researchers and acknowledged the federal government's ongoing investment in health. The contribution of Hamilton's researchers in increasing our health science knowledge is a resource we must cultivate and maintain, she stated. Through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Hamilton researchers will continue to provide Canada's health care system with a sound scientific foundation.
Today's announcement is part of the $194 million announced by Minister
Rock and CIHR President Alan Bernstein earlier today in Alberta for
national health research initiatives. The grants and awards will be
allotted over five years and will provide a direct benefit to 647 health researchers across Canada.
The investment includes:
* 439 operating grants for experienced health researchers;
* 11 targeted research grants in the areas of genomics, AIDS and
Hepatitis C;
*19 group grants, which bring together talented investigators;
* 169 training and salary awards that provide support for the next
generation of researchers;
* 9 clinical trials; and
* 10 equipment and maintenance grants.
The operating grants support the full spectrum of health research, from biomedical and clinical to health services and population health.
Ranging from three to five years of funding, they cover research topics such as environmental health, health systems research, arthritis, cancer and diabetes.
CIHR is Canada's major federal funding agency for health research. Its objective is to excel, according to internationally accepted standards of scientific excellence, in the creation of new knowledge and its translation into improved health for Canadians, more effective health services and products and a strengthened Canadian health care system.Working with its partners in universities, hospitals, government and the voluntary health sector, CIHR is an interactive approach to health research that will virtually' connect scientists from a broad range of health research disciplines from coast to coast.