McMaster experts recognized with Canada Research Chairs

Top: Sonia Anand, Ali Emadi, Nathan Magarvey; Middle: Jose Moran-Mirabal, Carmel Mothersill, Aimee Nelson; Bottom: Parminder Raina, Michael Surette, Timothy Whelan.
The federal government has recognized the expertise of nine McMaster researchers with an investment of nearly $10 million from the Canada Research Chairs (CRC) program.
The investment will fund two new and seven renewed Canada Research Chairs whose research covers the spectrum – from aging, disease, medicine and exercise, to radiation science, functional materials and electrified vehicles.
The CRC Program enables researchers to further their work, improve Canada’s international competitiveness, and train the next generation of leaders. McMaster is currently home to 70 CRCs.
Rob Baker, McMaster’s vice-president of research, says the CRC funding is critical to McMaster’s ability to attract and retain some of the world’s best talent.
“Individually and collectively, these Canada Research Chairs have the capacity – through their research and their commitment to train the next generation – to make a profound difference in their respective fields and to improve the health and well-being of Canadians and society as a whole,” he says.
McMaster’s two new Canada Research Chairs include:
Ali Emadi, professor, electrical & computer engineering and mechanical engineering, holds the Canada Research Chair in Electrified Transportation and Smart Mobility (Tier 1). Emadi is working to improve the efficiency, performance, and cost-effectiveness of electrified powertrains, powertrain components, and vehicle energy management systems. His research will bring new, energy-efficient, and environmentally friendly solutions to the market faster, enabling higher performance, lower cost, reduced and zero emission vehicles to be on the roads sooner.
José Moran-Mirabal, associate professor, chemistry and chemical biology, holds the Canada Research Chair in Micro- and Nanostructured Materials (Tier 2). Moran-Mirabal is developing new, more efficient methods for patterning and structuring thin films used in everything from electronics to biosensors. His research will expand our knowledge of membrane-surface interactions and open paths for the development of novel assays for the diagnosis of important diseases, and will have major impacts on environmental monitoring, clinical practice, and biological research.
McMaster’s renewed Canada Research Chairs include:
Sonia Anand, Canada Research Chair in Ethnic Diversity and Cardiovascular Disease (Tier 1)
Nathan Magarvey, Canada Research Chair in Chemical Biology and Natural Products (Tier 2)
Also awarded $240,000 from the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s John R. Evans Leaders Fund for research infrastructure.
Carmel Mothersill, Canada Research Chair in Radiobiology (Tier 1)
Aimee Nelson, Canada Research Chair in Sensorimotor Neuroscience (Tier 2)
Also awarded $94,400 from the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s John R. Evans Leaders Fund for research infrastructure.
Parminder Raina, Canada Research Chair in Geroscience (Tier 1)
Michael Surette, Canada Research Chair in Interdisciplinary Microbiome Research (Tier 1)
Timothy Whelan, Canada Research Chair in Breast Cancer Research (Tier 1)
Tier 1 Chairs, tenable for seven years and renewable for an additional term, are for outstanding researchers acknowledged by their peers as world leaders in their fields. For each Tier 1 Chair, the university receives $200,000 annually for seven years.
Tier 2 Chairs, tenable for five years and renewable once, are for exceptional emerging researchers, acknowledged by their peers as having the potential to lead in their field. For each Tier 2 Chair, the university receives $100,000 annually for five years.
To see a complete listing of this round of Canada Research Chair recipients, click here.