Posted on Nov. 4: Forum to explore air quality and Red Hill Expressway project

The McMaster student Physicians for Global Survival have organized a community lecture to discuss and share ideas surrounding the Red Hill Expressway project.
The lecture is entitled “the ABC (the Air Pollution Burden in the City of Hamilton) of the RHCE (the Red Hill Creek Expressway)” and is presented by associate clinical professor David Pengelly of the McMaster Institute of Environment and Health. The forum is open to medical students and faculty, as well as members of other health sciences departments and the general McMaster community.
Says Pengelly: “Many studies have shown that there is already a burden of illness in Hamilton caused by air pollution. In our opinion, the large body of scientific evidence predicts that additional people are going to sicken and die prematurely, including asthmatic children, if this road is built. Residents of Hamilton have not been informed of this added health risk, but are being misled.”
The lecture and discussion will take place Wednesday, Nov. 5 at 5:30 p.m. in the Ewart Angus Centre Rm. 1A5.