Posted on Dec. 1: Spirit of Giving hits campus

There's a bug going around campus and it's catching fast. It's the “Sprit of Giving” bug, and the 2003 Holiday Hamper Food Drive is one of many ways people can donate to those in need over the next several weeks.
Until Dec. 11, food donation boxes decorated in Christmas wrap will be placed around McMaster University and the Hamilton Health Sciences site.
“Please be generous in your donation of non-perishable food items,” says Jennifer Holland, a co-ordinator of the Holiday Hamper Food Drive. “Your contributions do make a difference to the disadvantaged in our Hamilton community.”
Senior officials representing the corporation and the Faculty of Health Sciences will present the Holiday Hamper to Joanne Santucci, executive director, Food Share, Greater Hamilton, on Friday, Dec. 12 at 10:45 a.m. in the main lobby of the Health Sciences Centre.
For more information contact Jennifer Holland 525-9140 ext. 22998 or Barbara Le Blanc 521-2100 ext. 75108.