Posted on Nov. 27: McMaster ACTS now on cycling problems

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Bike racks on campus”]McMaster's Alternative Commuting & Transportation (ACT) office is seeking input from the McMaster community on how to improve cycling on campus.
ACT is hosting two campus walkabouts on Tuesday, Dec. 2 in an effort to identify problem areas on campus and find ways to improve them. This includes identifying the number of bike racks on campus, secure bike parking and bike access.
“Campus cycling facilities need improvement,” says Daryl Bender, ACT co-ordinator. “We need your input to make it happen.”
The first hour-long walk will take place on the north and east side of main campus, including the north quad, Ivor Wynne Centre, arts quad, and the McMaster University Student Centre. Those interested in participating are asked to meet at 11:30 a.m. on the front stairs of Gilmour Hall.
The second one-hour walk will take place on the south and west side of main campus, including the west quad, science & engineering buildings, and health science building. For this walk, meet on the front steps of Gilmour Hall at 12:30 p.m.
The rain/snow date is Thursday, Jan. 15, 2004 at the same times and meeting locations. ACT will also host pedestrian focused campus walkabout in January.