Posted on Oct. 8: Off-campus lot to ease parking crunch

With capital projects, enrolment increases, and general University expansion, McMaster continues to grow. Along with the growth comes an increase in the number of vehicles accessing campus and an increasing need for parking. To help address this need, McMaster's Parking & Transit Services has leased a lot that will be used as an off-campus parking site.
Owned by the Henkel Canada Corporation, the five-acre property is located south of Main St. W. between Rifle Range Road and Leland Avenue. The site will be used this fall and winter to accommodate the vehicles of construction personnel working on campus and some University staff. The parking lot will be open from approximately 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday, and will be locked after hours.
A number of renovations are underway to make the site a safe and serviceable parking area. A gravel surface has been installed over the property and an access point from Ward Avenue is being constructed. The railway right of way will not be used as an access point. The University plans to install appropriate lighting, asphalt surfacing, and landscaping at the site next summer.
Initially, the site will accommodate approximately 100 vehicles. This number will increase as necessary to accommodate additional requests for parking.
In addition to finding alternative parking arrangements, McMaster is also dedicated to reducing the number of vehicles coming to campus through the many initiatives of the ACT Office (Alternative Communiting & Transportation). They are proactively promoting carpooling, use of public transit, walking, and cycling.
Feedback or inquiries about program details can be obtained by calling the Parking & Transit Services office at 905-525-9140 ext. 24232 or the ACT Office at ext. 24772.