Posted on Oct. 3: Alumni relive McMaster memories at homecoming

Alumni from across the country will be returning to McMaster for Homecoming weekend tomorrow to reunite with former classmates, roommates and teammates, and to watch the McMaster Marauders kick off against the Western Mustangs.
“For the Alumni Association, Homecoming is a great opportunity to bring our alumni and students together to celebrate our shared pride in McMaster,” says Chris (Cal) McAlpine, president, McMaster Alumni Association.
On Saturday, alumni will attend various class reunion activities in the McMaster University Student Centre, while members of the football team from '33, '43, '53, '63, '73, '83, and '93 attend a luncheon at the Phoenix in Wentworth House before heading to the big game.
They'll resume the festivities at the Phoenix again for a post-game reception later in the evening.
Children's programming will keep kids over four entertained while parents explore Homecoming events or take a walk around campus.
“We're really looking forward to Homecoming – it's an important part of McMaster's tradition, and it's a tradition we want to build on in the years ahead,” says Rod Morrison, director of Alumni Advancement.
Sunday will involve a look back at some of McMaster's all-star athletes with the Athletic Hall of Fame brunch. Athletes being honoured this year include:
- Joan (Maguire) Bennett '54, tennis, badminton, basketball
- Linda de Jeu '86, track & field
- Gerry Haggarty (Builder) football
- Bob Leggat '47, football, basketball
- Sam Loucks '89, football
- Gail McLeod '72, ice Hockey, field hockey
- Calum McNeil '91, wrestling
- Gloria (Tomasevic) White '90, basketball
For more information about Homecoming 2003 visit