Posted on Oct. 2: Let the bike races begin

The long-anticipated Road World Cycling Championships is just around the corner.
Beginning Monday, Oct. 6, up to 1,000 athletes from 50 countries will cycle through the City of Hamilton in an event that is expected to draw 250,000 spectators, 750 team support staff, 2,000 to 3,000 volunteers and 800 to 1,000 media and an international television audience of 500 million. Athletes are arriving from around the world, including Italy, Spain, Belgium, France, Russia, Germany, USA, Australia and the Netherlands.
McMaster University, including the Downtown Centre, will remain open during the Championships, which takes place Oct. 6 to 12.
Exams, classes and programs will continue as usual that week, except for at the Centre for Continuing Education at the Downtown Centre, which will not hold classes during the week of Oct. 6-12. The Hamilton boards of education will close schools for the championships.
Click here for details about road closures and access to the McMaster campus in a recent Daily News story.
Details of the race, including race routes, can be found at Brochures with race information also are available at campus libraries, the Compass information centre in the University Student Centre or in the Office of Public Relations.
Events taking place at McMaster:
October Odyssey day camp: The Department of Athletics & Recreation will be running a day camp at Ivor Wynne Centre, during the week-long cycling championship, Oct. 6-10. The camp is for children ages 8-13 years. Campers will have the opportunity to choose from a variety of activities including: volleyball, basketball, lacrosse, arts & crafts, soccer and challenges (group initiatives). If interested in receiving registration information, contact Stacey Henderson at ext. 27354.
[Re]Cycle Public Art Project – Oct 6 – Nov 15. Using the cycling event as a focus and the campus as a site, artists respond to and rethink the everyday to highlight unique urban environments. Featured artists include Adrian Blackwell, James Carl, Bryce Kanbara, Germaine Koh and the PED collective. For site info contact the McMaster Museum of Art at 905-525-9140 ext. 23081.
MACycle Public Bicycle Art Exhibit – MACycle co-op is featuring bicycle-themed art pieces at the Hamilton Pubic Library and City Hall during October.