Posted on Oct. 17: Celebrating health research in Hamilton


During October, McMaster University, with Mohawk College and Hamilton's healthcare providers — Hamilton Health Sciences, St. Joseph's Healthcare and St. Peter's — are celebrating the advances of healthcare research and the work they do together to create greater awareness about the improvements to patient care through research.

“The importance of research in healthcare can not be underestimated,” says Grant Walsh, president and CEO, St. Peter's. “Recent discoveries through research, including information related to the SARS virus, breakthroughs in the understanding of Alzheimer's and many other significant health issues, have happened right here in Hamilton. Research in our community affects the health of all Canadians and people around the globe.”

This month, the five organizations are joining forces to promote a number of research related events and activities.

Events at McMaster:

  • Working for a Cure: An Inside Look at Cancer Research takes place Wednesday, Oct. 22 from 5:30 to 10 p.m. on the fourth floor of the Cancer Centre. The Canadian Cancer Society's Central West Region, the new Juravinski Cancer Research Centre, and McMaster University's Faculty of Health Sciences are collaborating to present an educational evening promoting cancer research and researchers. This is a rare chance for students and the general public to tour research labs, examine research displays and experience stimulating talks by Linda Pen, Singh and Ronan Foley. There will also be an opportunity to mix, mingle and ask questions. To attend, reply to Patricia Melnyk at 905-575-9220 ext. 231 or
  • McMaster University and the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame are hosting a Pfizer Canada Discovery Day at McMaster on Tuesday, Oct. 28. The day is designed to motivate senior high school students to pursue a career in health sciences and to foster an appreciation for advances in health-related science and technology. Approximately 250 students will have an opportunity to hear a keynote address from the medical school's founder, John Evans, attend two workshops and participate in a career panel session.
  • Hamilton Health Sciences

  • Hamilton Health Sciences is presenting the second annual Health Research Under the Microscope event at Silver City in Ancaster. The event allows senior-level sciences students to hear the motivational and inspirational stories of HHS researchers from a broad spectrum of health research careers. Teachers and guidance counselors can also benefit from the event by gaining a better understanding of the variety of career paths open to students. This year's event will feature keynote speaker Arya Sharma, internationally renowned expert in obesity, as well a number of HHS researchers. In addition to the speakers, students can also view displays from healthcare and academic institutions on a wide variety of careers. The event begins at 8:30 a.m. and wraps up around 12 p.m.
  • St. Joseph's Healthcare

    Workshop seminars: St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton's Centre for Mountain Health Services invites you to celebrate 2003 Mental Illness Awareness Week by partaking in one of two seminars.

  • Tuesday, Oct. 21 Seminar  Advocacy in the Age of Recovery: Will it Move Rhetoric to Reality? The Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office (PPAO) has provided a Rights Protection and Advocacy Program since 1983. They are celebrating their 20th anniversary in partnership with St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton by sharing a day in advocacy in the age of recovery and wellness.
  • Wednesday, Oct. 22 Seminar  Innovative Approaches in Mental Health. St. Joseph's Mental Health Program in proud to demonstrate innovative approaches to therapy, treatment and care for persons with mental illness.
  • Where: Both seminars take place in the Seminar Room at the Centre for Mountain Health Services located at 100 West 5th Street in Hamilton.

    For seminar times, cost and registration details, please contact Maureen Williams at 905-522-1155 ext. 6281 or

  • Movie screening: Presented in partnership with St. Joseph's Healthcare Foundation as part of Mental Illness Awareness Week, staff, family and friends are welcome to attend a one night only screening of: “Elling” at Westdale Theatre on Monday, Oct. 20 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5 for AGH members, $6 for students and seniors and $8 general admission.
  • St. Peter's

  • On Thursday, Oct. 30, several experts from St. Peter's will host a discussion on safety in the home for seniors. This presentation will provide older adults with the tools and knowledge that they need to enjoy quality of life, dignity, independence and a safe environment at home. Representatives from various organizations dedicated to helping seniors live independently in the community will also be on hand to share their expertise. St. Peter's speakers leading this discussion are: Laura Jewell, RN, Nurse Coordinator for St. Peter's Outpatient Specialty Falls Clinic, Geriatric Assessment Clinic, Movement Disorders Clinic and Memory Clinic; Melanie Charron, Occupational Therapist working in St. Peter's Community Services Program; and Deborah Peace, Physiotherapist, also working in St. Peter's Community Services Program. For reservations please call 905-549-6525 ext. 2372.
  • Mohawk College

  • Students attending the Health Research Under the Microscope event will have an opportunity to peruse the Mohawk Exhibit and learn more about educational programs needed to pursue a career in healthcare. The Mohawk exhibit, along with a variety of other exhibits, will be open to students between 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. and will re-open again between 11:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.