Posted on Oct. 16: McMaster to host Japan Studies Conference


McMaster is hosting the 17th Japan Studies Association of Canada (JSAC) conference Oct 17-19.

Sessions will be held in the DeGroote School of Business (mostly MGD 505). JSAC is a group of academics interested in all aspects of Japan, including business, economics, politics, anthropology, literature and language.

The conference features several Canadian, Japanese and US speakers
on a broad range of issues. The schedule can be seen on
JSAC's web page:

The conference has received support from the Japan Foundation, Canada's Dept of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, the Faculty of Humanities and the DeGroote School of Business.

Some of the Speakers/Topics include:

  • Wenran Jiang (University of Alberta)/ BSE, Japan and Canada;
  • Tomoaki Tsuchida (Nanzan U, Japan) and Soho Machida (Tokyo U of
    Foreign Languages)/ Bioethics in Japan
  • William Cummings (George Washington University)/ The revolution in Japanese higher education?
  • Dick Beason (University of Alberta) / Did growth mask distortions in Japan?
  • Yuka Nakamura (University of Toronto)/ Ichiro: A Baseball hero or beacon of hope. Media representations and nation-building discourses
  • Consul General Takashi Koezuka and DFAIT Japan Division Director
    Robert Desjardins.
  • Carin Holroyd (University of Saskatchewan)/ The commerce of aging: Japanese innovation in product development and service provision for the elderly

McMaster faculty, staff and students are welcome to drop in on sessions that are of interest.