Posted on Oct. 14: Airing beefs about mad cow

Japan's ban on Canadian beef due to mad cow disease will be a key topic at a seminar this week at McMaster University.
The disastrous trade episode is one of the issues academics will talk about at the DeGroote School of Business conference.
This is the 17th annual gathering of the Japan Studies Association of Canada but it appears to be the first time it has been held at McMaster.
Japanese trade expert James Tiessen, an organizer, said he is unaware of a previous appearance even though the late Klaus Pringsheim, a former university Japanese studies professor, helped start the Mac program.
Other items being discussed are Japan's sluggish economy, how it deals with laid-off workers, and trade in general.
About 5o people, mainly academics from universities across Canada, are expected to attend the Oct. 17-19 symposium.
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