Posted on Aug. 27: McMaster celebrates construction of Centre for Learning & Discovery

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Topping Off celebration”]The words “on time” and “on budget” were something to celebrate at a “topping off” ceremony Wednesday on top of the fifth floor of the $70-million Centre for Learning & Discovery.
The final concrete was poured by, pictured from right to left, Karen Belaire, vice-president administration, Tony Cupido, director of physical plant, Bob Dunn, assistant director of physical plant and David Clusiau, design principal at Norr Architects and Engineers.
A “topping off” ceremony is customary when a construction project is on time and on budget. The pouring ceremony was followed by a barbecue for 400 tradespeople, users' group members, the steering committee and other guests who have had a part in the design or construction of the building.
The new building will house state-of-the-art classrooms, lecture halls and research space when it is completed next summer. The facility will provide much needed space for teaching, learning and research and will help the University address critical needs created by the double cohort.
Project manager Andrew Royick said the event celebrated the fact that despite a harsh winter, they are on schedule in construction of the building. The next steps, he says, are to finish the steel structural work, enclose the building and get a roof on before winter sets in. “We've got 300,000-sq.-feet to close in and it's 84 days to winter.”
Photo credit: Chantall Van Raay