Posted on Aug. 22: Energy conservation efforts continue this weekend

McMaster staff are encouraged to continue exercising energy conservation measures this weekend.
If the provincial state of emergency is lifted over the weekend, full power will be gradually reinstated at the University and the hospital. Members of the crisis management team will continue to monitor the situation and provide regular information updates as available.
There will be regular security on campus this weekend and all scheduled events will continue as planned.
The peak generating plant located on campus is supplementing the University's essential power requirements during this crisis period. Physical Plant is addressing noise concerns produced by the generators by establishing a noise abatement plan, which is expected to be in place within the next few days.
Power conservation includes shutting off power when not in use. It is important that the last person out of the office at the end of the day ensure all power has been shut off, including lights, computers and photocopiers.
An improvement in weather conditions is helping McMaster get through the provincial state of emergency that was still in effect Friday.