Posted on July 28: Daily News retrofit integrates new, innovative features

One day, when you come into work and click on your internet browser, the Daily News home page is going to look quite a bit different.
McMaster's top news and information will still be there, but it will be cleaner and easier to navigate. New features will be added, and old features will be gone.
But before that day comes, McMaster's Office of Public Relations is seeking input from both the McMaster and external community on how to best recreate the Daily News.
Launched in 2000, McMaster's award-winning Daily News Web site has become a regular source of news and information for the McMaster community.
Some of the new features being considered include an online subscription to a weekly news list; an audio/visual page; an interactive online photo gallery; regular spotlights on faculty, staff and students; and a section devoted to media relations. The new site, which will be incorporated into the University's new Web templates, will be launched this fall.
To provide your two cents into the Daily News redesign, click here or visit and click on Daily News Survey on the left side of the page.