Posted on Sept. 16: Retirees made McMaster what it is today


[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Retirees Reception”]Faculty members who made important impacts on students; researchers who made outstanding discoveries in the lab; and staff who ensured the University ran smoothly each made McMaster what it is today  a research-intensive school known worldwide for its culture of innovation.

“Your expertise, skill, enthusiasm and commitment have helped shape McMaster into the outstanding institution it is today,” said President Peter George, at a reception for McMaster employees who retired between September 2002 and August 2003. “This is a proud legacy and it is one that each and every one of you has helped to create.”

Approximately 95 staff and faculty who retired from McMaster were honoured for their years of service. The annual reception was held in the Council Chambers in Gilmour Hall Monday.

Pictured from left, George talks with technical staff retiree Bob Bignell, who worked in the School of Geography and Geology for 33 years before retiring last April. Also pictured are Peter Sutherland, dean of science and Jacques Barbier, associate chair of chemistry.