Posted on May 27: Power Outage Update

Power to Divinity College, Wentworth House, the Life Sciences Building, and the Vanbots construction site will be off on Wednesday, May 28 from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. (2 hours) to install a transformer at the Life Sciences Building to replace the temporary generator that has been supplying power to these buildings today.
To avoid losing any data, people should shut off all the computers and servers in the effected areas between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.
Power should return to normal following the installation of the new transformer.
Monday night, a transformer blew, causing the power to go down in Divinity College, Wentworth House, and the Life Sciences Building.
The transformer was tested and inspected six months ago. No problems were found at that time. Physical Plant is now performing tests on the transformer to resolve the problem.
For questions or concerns, contact Ed Harris, Electrical Technical Specialist, at ext. 23063.
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