Posted on June 18: Graduate students recognized for leadership, athleticism

Graduate student leadership and athleticism was recognized at an awards celebration Tuesday.
Hosted by the 2002 Graduate Student Association Executive, the inaugural event honoured athletic, human and leadership achievements of students from all faculties, programs and departments.
It celebrated more than 100 students, recognized by their peers for outstanding contributions to civic and human values while pursuing graduate research.
“I want to extend my personal thanks and congratulations to all the graduate students who contribute their time and talents to varsity athletics, intramural recreation, university governance, and student leadership activities,” expressed McMaster President Peter George. “I commend you on your tremendous achievements in supporting and representing McMaster during the 2002-2003 school year. It was a year of brilliant successes . . . Despite the pressures of study and preparation for career, you have continued to participate at the highest level and, in many cases, have taken leadership positions in your sport, our university and community as well.”
For a list of the award recipients, click here.