Posted on June 20: Sexual Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Office renamed, relocated

McMaster's Sexual Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Office has been renamed the Office of Human Rights and Equity Services.
The name change is a more accurate reflection of the breadth of human rights issues which the office deals with, says Jane Mulkewich, acting director of human rights and equity services. “The old name gave prominence to the issue of sexual harassment at the expense of other human rights issues such as racism,” she says, “and also 'sexual harassment' is negative whereas 'anti-discrimination' is positive, so in many ways, the SHADO name was not ideal.”
Mulkewich canvassed offices with similar mandates at other Ontario
universities, discovering the majority include 'human rights and equity' in their titles.
The office, which has also launched a new Web site, relocated to the McMaster University Student Centre, Rm. 212, from its previous
location in Kenneth Taylor Hall.
The office will continue to offer services for victims of discrimination and harassment, but the Safer Space program and the After Hours help line will be discontinued, and women seeking emergency shelter will be given appropriate referrals to a range of services and resources in the community.
This summer, a new director of human rights and equity services will be hired to replace Cindy Player, who has taken on a new position at the City of Hamilton as a human rights consultant.