Posted on June 26: Spring walking group treks 747 km

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Spring walking group”]Cumulatively, they walked 747 km over six weeks a distance equivalent to walking from McMaster to Sault Ste. Marie.
McMaster's Employee Health and Wellness recently wrapped up its annual spring walking group sessions, which gathered employees together each Tuesday and Thursday over the lunch hour for a walk around campus.
“The intention was to get people together on their lunch hour for a time of exercise and socialization,” says Debra Earl, employee health educator. She says 69 employees registered to participate in this activity.
Certified fitness instructor Rose Bilicic led the group walk, providing instruction on proper technique, warm up and cool down exercises. The group walked various routes around campus and the community and nearby walking trails.
On each walk, Bilicic recorded the distance traveled by using a pedometer, usually about 3.5 km. The total distance walked over the 12 sessions was 44 km and the cumulative distance walked by all participants was 747 km. The number of walkers who participated on each day also was recorder, averaging 18 participants. This included two rainy days when a small, dedicated group walked the hallways and stairwells of the University Centre.
Photo caption: McMaster's Employee Health and Wellness spring walking group session is led by certified fitness instructor Rose Bilicic, front right. Photo credit: Chantall Van Raay