Posted on Jan. 14: McMaster World Congress conference celebrates 25th anniversary

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”McMaster World Congress logo”]The 25th McMaster World Congress conference begins today (January 14) and runs until Friday, Jan. 16. For a quarter of a century, the Congress has been recognized globally as one of the largest and most prestigious conferences of its kind.
The McMaster World Congress is unique in that academia and the corporate world are brought together in one international forum. This world-class event represents the largest and most prestigious collection of leading academic researchers and senior business executives working in the areas of intellectual capital, knowledge management, e-commerce, and corporate governance. This is the first global practitioner/academic conference of its kind to focus on the leadership and management issues surrounding corporate governance.
Scheduled keynote speakers include Don Tapscott, president of New Paradigm Learning Corporation, John Evans, chair, Torstar, and vice-president of NPS/Allelix Biopharmaceuticals, Joe Chidley, editor-in-chief, Canadian Business Magazine, Michael Raynor, director, Deloitte & Touche Research, and Brian Chartier, senior officer, Subsidiary Governance, RBC Financial Group.
In addition to these keynote speakers, several leading academic researchers and senior business executives will discuss topics such as knowledge management, knowledge portals, intangible assets, B2B models, mobile commerce, digital rights management, and more. A complete schedule of speakers and their topics is available on the World Congress Web site.
As well as renowned speakers, the Congress hosts events such as the Business and Technology Expo where local businesses have the opportunity to showcase their cutting edge technology to a global audience. Conference participants from over 35 countries can choose from more than 200 presentations and can participate in an interactive “knowledge cafi”, a Knowledge Management technology expo, a PhD recruiting fair, a CKO and a special government and not-for-profit stream of best practices and case studies, as well as a variety of social networking functions.
Sponsors include Chartered Accountants of Canada (CICA), the DeGroote School of Business, The Directors College, and the Management of Innovation and New Technology Research Centre (MINT~RC).