Posted on Nov. 21: MUSA to select new job evaluation system

McMaster University and the McMaster University Staff Association (MUSA) have established a committee to develop and implement a new job evaluation system and process for the positions in MUSA. This involves selecting a job evaluation tool, collecting job content information and rating jobs. Implementation of the new system is scheduled for June 16, 2005.
The Joint Job Evaluation Steering Committee (JJESC) includes: Carmela Civitareale, Kathy Ouellette and Gord Slater as the MUSA representatives and Susan Birnie, Heather Grigg and Marvin Gunderman as the University representatives. The JJESC has two alternate members, Rosemary Viola for MUSA and John Drake for the University. The JJESC also includes two expert advisors, Nancy Vukelich for the University and Daina Green, a labour consultant contracted by MUSA.
The initial task of the JJESC is to develop a job evaluation model that best meets the following criteria:
- fairly and equitably measures the skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions of all positions in the bargaining unit and establishes the values of jobs relative to each other
- is transparent and understandable by those who rely on it
- meet all legal requirements and is gender neutral within the meaning of the Pay Equity Act
- is capable of measuring the full range of jobs in the bargaining unit
- is capable of reflecting the values of the University as a workplace
- is relatively easy to implement and difficult to misinterpret
- is capable of being updated, or adjusted as the requirements of the workplace and legislative environment change
- takes advantage of computer technology (but is not “self-rated”)
The following Web sites are dedicated to information about the JJESC and include the Letter of Intent which provided the mandate for this project:
This endeavour represents a significant undertaking and will require the support, commitment, flexibility and understanding of all concerned. If you have questions, e-mail