
Transform Your Business Idea: Value stream mapping with Steve Pereira

Mills Memorial Library - Connections Centre L113

24/10/2019, 6:30 pm - TO 24/10/2019 - 8:30 pm

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Hacking Health Hamilton is hosting a free meetup on Thursday, October 24, 2019 at Mills Memorial Library, Connections Centre (L113).

Please join us for an exciting pre-hackathon workshop.

Our guest presenter and workshop facilitator, Steve Pereira, is a transformation expert who coaches tech businesses. Steve will be taking participants through a value streams exercise, which can be applied to ongoing projects or new ones to pitch at our upcoming annual Hackathon, November 8-10, 2019.

Whether you plan to participate at the Hackathon or not, Steve will provide you with insights on how to transform your business ideas. Of particular interest to students, faculty, and staff interested in startups, entrepreneurship in the healthcare and health tech sectors.

Here is Steve Pereira’s personal website (, and his VZBL Inc website (

Join Hamilton Hacking Health on October 24!

Twitter: @HHHamOnt