Advancing Medical Robotics: Leadership Lessons

Campbell Auditorium, St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, Juravinski Tower Room T2202, 50 Charlton Ave. East, Hamilton, ON

20/09/2019, 7:30 am - TO 20/09/2019 - 9:00 am

Organizer: Health Leadership Academy, McMaster University

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In this talk, Dr. Mehran Anvari, CEO of the Centre for Surgical Invention and Innovation, will discuss the leadership capabilities and skills required to champion innovation in the health system. Working from experience, Dr. Anvari was one of the first surgeons in Canada to use robotics in surgery and has been a leader in the field of medical robotics and computer-assisted surgery ever since. Join Dr. Anvari in an illuminating discussion around leadership and advancing medical robotics.

Light breakfast to be served.

Current McMaster students, employees and faculty are eligible for a discounted ticket.

Email for more information. Register here: